Welcome to our Women Who Startup Basecamp Phoenix!
Monthly events are free to the public
These events are supported by our in-kind sponsors Brandtini.com, KristinaHallbergRDN.com, FeedtheFunnelMarketing.com, TheGoodVibeMedia.com.
Women Who Startup is a global community driven platform that celebrates, connects and empowers female entrepreneurs in Colorado and beyond.
From Colorado and beyond, where the entrepreneurial scene is almost as varied and spectacular as our landscapes. With businesses of all sizes and all kinds launching almost daily, the opportunities for women with an enterprising spirit are endless.
Women Who Startup is dedicated to building a platform for women who are innovators, technologists, entrepreneurs, developers, educators, community members and more, with community, a powerful network and resources to fuel your current or next innovation or entrepreneurial endeavor.
Hosted by Robin Bramman, City Leader and Kristina Hallberg, Co-Organizer, Women Who Startup Basecamp Phoenix.

Event Agenda
- 5:30 – 6pm Drinks, Snacks and Networking
- 6 to 6:15pm Welcome message from Robin and intro to WWS
- 6:15pm – 7pm featured women innovator, entrepreneurs interview
- 7 to 7:30pm Open Mic Q&A
Guest Interview with co-founders of Kegelbell.com, Kathy Sacks and Stephanie Schull, PhD
Learn more about us: womenwhostartup.co
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